Configuration of the survey
Configuration of the traffic intersections for data preparation
Last updated
Configuration of the traffic intersections for data preparation
Last updated
Once the BMA is successfully mounted and configured as described in the "BERNARD Mobility Analyser" operating instructions, open the web browser and enter the following address:
You can log in to the website with your client login. If you have problems logging in or have forgotten your password, client service can help you. Once you have successfully logged in, the user interface shown in Figure 1 will appear.
To create a survey, first open the highlighted "Configuration" tab at the top right of the menu bar.
Next, select the desired tenant to continue with the configuration. The tenant can be used to group measurement series. If you require more than one tenant, please contact customer service. After selecting the tenant, a list opens with the surveys already created.
You have the option of filtering your surveys by date or text content. It is therefore advisable to select the name of the survey so that it can be easily found later and, if necessary, different groupings are possible using the text filter (e.g. location/project number).
A new survey can be created using the "Add element" function. A new field is created in which the name of the survey must be defined. Save the process with the blue button with the memory card symbol.\
To edit a created survey, select the corresponding survey by clicking on it. A user interface then opens below the list of created surveys (see Figure 4). The selected survey can be configured using the highlighted "Edit" button.
A window opens with the key data - name, start date, end date, location of the survey, time zone and types of road users (object classes) (see Figure 5). This key data can be defined step by step. The definition of the key data can be found in Table 1.
Table 1: Definition of the key data of a survey in the BERNARD Data Center.
Describes the name of the survey that you initially assigned when creating the survey. If required, the name of the survey can be edited in the corresponding field.
As it is possible to filter the surveys by name, it is recommended to select an unambigous name.
The start and end date defines the period for the data analysis. For the start and end date, 00:00 is automatically selected as the time, with the end date including the selected day.
A measurement on 01.01.2023 from 0:00 to 23:59 would therefore have 01.01.2023 as the start and end date.
In order to change the location on the map, the checkbox "Activate map for editing" must first be ticked. You can use the button with the magnifying glass to open a search bar in which you can enter the desired address.
The location is defined by left-clicking the marker on the interactive map. To protect the location from changes, the "Activate map for editing" checkbox can be unchecked.
The time zone is set to the region "Europe/Vienna" by default.
It is recommended to select the local time zone of the survey in the menu.
The traffic types are the vehicle classes that are to be taken into account in the evaluation for this survey. By pressing the Ctrl key, several traffic types can also be selected for a single survey.
In order to make the application possibilities of the evaluation more flexible, the selection of the survey can also be adjusted afterwards.
If the desired traffic type does not appear, please contact customer service.
After successfully configuring the key data of the survey, save this process with the save button at the bottom right (see Figure 5).
The next step is to assign the BMAs used to the survey. To do this, open the selection window (see Figure 7) by clicking on "Add/edit cameras" (see Figure 6).\
This is where you add all the BMAs that you use or have used for this survey. If you have several BMAs in use, you can filter by the name of the BMA, for example, to make it easier to find the BMA you are looking for in the selection field
Once you have selected your BMA, click on "Add selected camera" and it will appear in the "Used devices" table (see Figure 7). If you do not wish to add any further BMAs for the configuration of this survey, save the selection by clicking OK.
In this step, the arms of the intersection are defined. To do this, click on the highlighted "Edit routes" button at the bottom right of the main interface in the "Configuration of the survey" area (see Figure 8).
The window for editing the routes then opens, in which the routes are named and the corresponding orientations are defined.
The routes of the intersection are defined by name (see [6] in Figure 9), angle (see [7] in Figure 9) and directional traffic type (see [8] in Figure 9). By confirming the "Show angle help" checkbox, an angle help can be added to the map section as shown in Figure 9. The definition of the key data of the route (name [6], angle [7], direction [8] and crossing [9]) are listed in Table 2.
Activate the angle help to read the exact angle from the north axis of the node to the route.
The selection "Route has crossing" can be made to include pedestrian crossings in the Excel evaluation. This is only possible if the crossing is defined by a counting line in the Control Center. When selecting this option, an additional field opens which must be filled in. The corresponding counting line used for counting the pedestrian crossings must be entered in this field. In the first line, enter the corresponding crossing using the corresponding UUID from the Control Center. In the second line, you can name the crossing as you wish. Then select which direction (In, Out) points clockwise or counterclockwise.
Table 2: Key data of a route
The name of the route is defined in this field. This name appears both in the evaluation in the Data Center and in the excel file.
Determine the angle between the road and the intersection. To be able to read an angle, the angle help can be activated using the "Show angle help" checkbox. The center point of the intersection with the axis pointing north represents the zero axis.
Enter the direction of traffic of the route. Choose between:
- Two-way traffic
- Only road users approaching the intersection
- Only road users leaving the intersection
It is also possible to detect wrong-way drivers in a one-way road. In the case of one-way roads, for example, this can be specified as two-way traffic in order to output the traffic in both directions.
If you have added a counting line for detecting pedestrian crossings during configuration in the Control Center, select this checkbox. The window then expands (see Figure 12).
- Enter the corresponding crossing that you have configured
- Name the crossing and note the direction in which the crossing is recorded
Once you have filled in the fields as shown in Figure 9 according to the definitions in
Table 2, click "Add new route" to confirm the entry. Repeat the steps for defining the intersection for all routes at the intersection that you want to evaluate in the data center. As soon as all routes are listed, confirm your entry with "OK". (see Figure 11).
For each route, automatic origin destination flows are generated defined by their relations to all other routes (turning traffic, straight ahead traffic) and to the route itself (U-turn).
In the last step of the configuration, you must define the origin destination flows and assign the corresponding zone/line IDs from the configuration in the Control Center to the origin destination flows.
If you are working with several BMAs at one intersection, special care must be taken to ensure that origin destination flow is not stored with IDs of different BMAs.
Define the origin destinations flow by selecting your route and clicking on the highlighted "Edit selected turning movement" button (see Figure 12) so that the user interface opens as shown in Figure 13. If the "Edit selected turning movement" field is highlighted in light blue, no origin destination flow has been selected. The individual key data of the selected origin destination flow is defined in Table 3 and must be configured according to their definition.
Table 3: Definition of the configuration of individual key data of a turn-off device turnin movement.
The name of the origin destination flow is generated for the automatically created origin destination flow with the names of the routes and relative orientation to each other (right turn, left turn and straight ahead).
If required, you can edit the name in this field.
From route
To route
"From route" is the route from which the route begins and the "To route" always describes the route where the route ends.
The "From route" and "To route" are already defined in the automatically generated origin destination flows, so that they do not need to be changed if an automatically generated driving relationship is already configured.
If you generate your own origin destination flow, you must select the "From route" and "To route" yourself according to the desired origin destination flow.
Choose between the event types with which you have recorded origin destination flow.
If a counting line (CL) was used to determine the origin destination flow during the configuration of the BMA the counting line must be selected here. The UUID of the counting line with the corresponding direction (in, out) is then selected.
All zone UUIDs of the selected camera(s) are stored in the selection menu of the From zone, even if the counts have already been completed. Make your appropriate selection of the entry zone for the From zone of the respective origin destination flow.
As a name for a zone can be assigned several times, it is recommended that the UUID of the selected zone is compared with the zone in the Control Center during configuration, as the UUID is unambiguous.
If only one BMA is used and the From or To zone is always the same, a From or To zone only needs to be defined once in a origin destination flow.
Save the entry with the "Save" button at the bottom right.
If only one BMA is used and the from or to zone is always the same, an from or to zone only needs to be defined once in a driving relationship. The rest is added automatically.
The automatic addition also takes place if several BMAs were used. In this case, the routes must be adjusted afterwards. The origin destination flows must be checked at the end.
At the end, all routes, angles and route assignments to the UUIDs must be checked again.
If there is a unambiguous zone assignment for each intersection arm, make sure that all "Input UUIDs" for entering turning movements are identical. The same applies to exiting turning movements. Here too, the "AusgAbb-UUID" should be identical if the assignment is unambiguous (see Figure 14).
To check the configured intersection, it is advisable to view the turning movement counts in the Data Center at the same time. If the turning movement counts already reflect implausible values or the modal split is atypical, the configuration should be checked again.
To delete an existing origin destination flow, the route from which the origin destination flow to be deleted originates must be selected. You can now select the unnecessary route and delete it using the red "Delete selected turning movement" button.
To add a missing origin destination flow, select the initial route and click on the blue "Add new turning movement" button to open a new window for configuring the route. The route can be defined as described in chapter 2.5.
If a new origin destination flow is added, its "From route" and its "To route" must be defined indivually.
Table 3: Definition of the configuration of individual key data of a turning movement
The name of the origin destination flow is generated for automatically created origin destination flows with the names of the routes and relative orientation to each other (right turning, left turning and straight ahead traffic). You can edit the name in this field as required.
From route
To route
"From route" is the route from which the origin destination flow begins and the "To route" always describes the route where the origin destination flow ends. The "From route" and "To route" are already defined for the automatically generated origin destination flows so that they do not need to be changed if an automatically generated origin destination flow is already configured.
If you generate your own origin destination flow, you must select the "From route" and "To route" individually according to the desired origin destination flow.
Event type
If a counting line (CL) instead of an OriginDestination was used to determine the origin destination flow when configuring the BMA, the counting line must be selected here. The UUID of the counting line with the corresponding direction (in, out) is then selected.
From-zone UUID
All zone UUIDs of the selected camera(s) are stored in the selection menu of the From zone, even if the counts have already been completed. Make your appropriate selection of the entry zone for the From-zone of the respective origin destination flow.
As a name for a zone can be assigned several times, it is recommended that the UUID of the selected zone is compared with the zone in the Control Center during configuration, as the UUID is unambiguous.
To-Zone UUID
Corresponding to the From-zone, you can specify the appropriate UUID of the To-zone where the origin destination flow ends.
Save the entry with the "Save" button at the bottom right.
If only one BMA is used and the From or To zone is always the same, an from or to zone only needs to be defined once in a origin destination flow. The rest is added automatically.
The automatic addition also takes place if several BMAs have been used. In this case, the origin destination flows must be adjusted retrospectively. In any case, origin destination flows must be checked at the end.
Location of the survey
Time zone
Traffic types
Event type
From zone UUID
To-one UUID