

Instructions for setting up a mobile traffic survey.

1. Location

Pay attention to the local legal regulations and find out whether a permit is required to set up the mobile system at the location you have defined.

  • Obey local regulations regarding the minimum distance from the roadway.

  • The mobile system should not block any driveways or footpaths.

  • The mobile system must not obscure any traffic signs.

Select a suitable location for the installation. Please note that the height of the system when the pole elements are fully extended is approx. 6 m.

2. step by step instructions

  1. the mobile system must be attached to a fixed infrastructure

  2. take the telescopic mast incl. mounting bracket and position it on an existing infrastructure (e.g. light pole, pipe post, etc.)

    Guide the supplied tensioning straps through the lugs (2x) of the mounting bracket and attach the tensioning straps to the pole you have selected (e.g. lighting pole, tubular post, etc.)

  3. to prevent easy removal of the mobile BMA, install two padlocks through the ratchet element of the tensioning straps

  4. place the BMA on the top element of the telescopic mast and fix it in place with a twist-and-push movement

  5. attach the BMA to the back of the lower pole strap

  6. use the supplied reusable cable tie and pull it hand-tight

  7. connect the 2-pin black/blue plug to the BMA. Make sure that the plug is inserted straight

  8. Next, connect the 2-pin gray plug to the back of the battery box and close the plug fuse

  9. lift the battery box and place the battery box in the middle guide of the C-profile

  10. if the battery box is in the correct position, you can insert a padlock through the hole at the lower end and close it

  11. loosen the twist lock on the mast element and raise the mast to the desired height

  12. close the twist lock firmly in a clockwise direction to prevent loosening due to vibrations

    Do this for all 4 mast elements if the maximum height is reached

  13. check the current alignment of the BMA using the Control Center

  14. you can adjust the alignment around the vertical axis by rotating the mast element

  15. to change the alignment around the horizontal axis, the mast must be fully retracted and the cover of the sensor opened

  16. turn the optical part of the sensor up or down to obtain the desired alignment and close the cover of the sensor

  17. carry out steps 12 - 14 again

  18. finally, place the mast lock around the twist lock of the lowest mast element and secure it with a padlock

  19. Now you can set your sensor via the Control Center and configure the current traffic survey in the Data Center

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