User management

Manage user profiles with access to your Control Center.

This area provides an overview of all users who have access to your Control Center, as well as the ability to add, remove or edit users and user roles.

Adding a new user profile

To add a new user profile, simply click on New User and fill in all the required fields. The new user must set a personal password by verifying the email address via the Forgot your password workflow on the login page.

Editing an existing user profile

Only the role or access rights can be changed. If you want to change the names or email addresses of users, you must delete this user profile and then create a new one.

Types of user profiles

Viewer: This is a read-only authorization for Data Analytics. It enables access to existing scenarios and dashboards. ** User: Can access device configuration as well as data analytics as well as reconfigure devices, create dashboards and create scenarios. Admin: Has the same access rights as User and can also access the administration area.

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