Evaluation of the generated data for transport planning analyses
As soon as the survey has been created, the processed data is displayed in the Data Center. The data can also be downloaded in the form of an Excel file. To do this, call up the "Data Center" tab.
Select the corresponding tenant to which your survey has been assigned. To make it easier to find the survey you are looking for, you can filter the surveys by name, the survey period (start and end date) and the selected map section.
In the Data Center, you have the following functions to gain insights from a traffic count.
Overview of the traffic count
Daily traffic distribution
Weather data (in new release)
Turning movement counts
Download the traffic count data
In the Data Center you will find an overview of the BMAs in use, the evaluated traffic object classes, the period of the survey and the resulting duration of the survey, the time zone set for the survey and the location of the survey (see Figure 16).
You can have the daily traffic distribution evaluated for different days, which you can select in the calendar in the "Day for graphs" window.
In addition, the daily traffic distribution can be evaluated for different object classes. To do this, you must select or deselect the relevant obect classes in the "Displayed obect classes and grouping" window.
The daily traffic distribution can also be output for a specific time window on the selected day. To filter for the desired times, click on the start time and drag the mouse to the end time of the time slot while holding down the button. Use the button to extend the time slot to the whole day again.
The calculated daily traffic distribution can be downloaded in .svg, .png and .csv format by clicking on the button.
The total traffic volume for each defined intersection arm can be read in the "Evaluation" window. Based on the total traffic at the intersection , the relative modal split at the individual intersections arms is also calculated.
In addition, the inflow for each intersection arm into the intersection is output and its total traffic volume in the intersection is calculated.
In addition to this evaluation of the traffic volume, the modal split is analyzed by calculating modal split for each object class in relation to the total traffic volume
To better analyze the traffic volume, the weather data for the selected day is retrieved and displayed in the "Day for graphs" window (see Figure 19).
Turning movement counts are generated in the corresponding window for the selected period and the selected object classes of the daily traffic distribution (see Chapter 3.2) (see Figure 20). Above the defined name, the total inflow into the intersection is shown in bold, and the outflow is shown below the line. The distribution of inflows and outflows from and to the individual intersection arms can be found below and above the total number.
If no arrow is shown between the individual route arms, this may mean that this orogin destination flow has not yet been configured or that no objects have been detected that fulfill the existing configuration. The configuration should therefore be checked - and adjusted if necessary.
The "Download traffic data" button in the survey overview takes you to the download view (see Figure 21).
In the download view, which is shown in Figure 22, you have the option of selecting the time resolution of the measurement data in the evaluation file to be downloaded. You can also divide the evaluation classes into any number of combined classes. It is not possible to exclude individual object classes that were defined during the survey. If individual object classes are not to be included in the Excel evaluation, this must be adjusted in the configuration.
Finally, the date of the Excel evaluation must be specified. You can only select a date within the survey period. If you download the measurement data for several days at the same time, you have the option of downloading individual data records per day or a bundled .zip file with all days.
The evaluation file is an Excel file consisting of several tables that cover the individually configured object classes on the one hand and contain the configured summarized object classes on the other hand. There is also a table with an explanation of the evaluation file. If crossings have been configured for routes, these are created in a separate spreadsheet with all the crossings created.
By default, the entire 24 hours of the selected day are analyzed in the evaluation file.
Lines 1 to 8 have the structure shown in Figure 23. The key data of the survey (name of the survey, counting date, start time and location) is documented and the measurement data in the table is analyzed with regard to the variables "day peak", "morning peak", "evening peak", "day traffic" and "night traffic".
In order for the calculated values to be displayed correctly in the evaluation file, you must activate editing in the evaluation file.
The measurement data collected for the individual origin destination flows are listed below the key data. Line 9 contains the respective From-route for the origin destination flows, which is fully defined by the respective To-Route in line 11.
In the columns "Interval" and "Total hour", the total traffic load for the respective hour and for the respective interval - which corresponds to the time resolution of the measurement - is calculated. The hourly total is the sum of the subsequent hour for the start time, which is in the same row.
In the rows below the 24-hour measurement data, the variables "Total", "Day peak", "Morning peak", "Evening peak", "Day traffic" and "Night traffic" are defined for each origin destination flow (see Figure 25).
In the columns next to the 24-hour measurement data, inflows and outflows from and to the intersections arms as well as the total traffic volumes of the individual intersection arms for the selected time interval are determined for each intersection arm (see Figure 26).